publication venue for
- Climate, as well as branch-level processes, drive canopy soil abundance and chemistry. 438:116609-116609. 2023
- Sampling for biological indicators of soil health: How does sampling methodology affect research results?. 435:116513-116513. 2023
- Soil colloidal particles in a subtropical savanna: Biogeochemical significance and influence of anthropogenic disturbances. 430:116282-116282. 2023
- Optimal drainage timing for mitigating methane emissions from rice paddy fields. 394:114986-114986. 2021
- Low-field magnetic resonance imaging of roots in intact clayey and silty soils.. 370:114356-114356. 2020
- Rational utilization of leguminous green manure to mitigate methane emissions by influencing methanogenic and methanotrophic communities. 361:114071-114071. 2020
- Identifying subsoil variation associated with gilgai using electromagnetic induction. 295:34-40. 2017
- Apparent electrical conductivity response to spatially variable vertisol properties. 263:168-175. 2016
- Biodegradable dissolved organic carbon in urban and remnant soils in south-central Texas, USA. 245:52-55. 2015
- Mid-infrared attenuated total reflectance spectroscopy for soil carbon and particle size determination. 213:57-63. 2014
- Precise observation of soil surface curling. 226:85-93. 2014
- Extractable DOC and DON from a dry-land long-term rotation and cropping system in Texas, USA. 197:79-86. 2013
- Assessing the role of the pore solution concentration on horizontal deformations in an unsaturated soil specimen during drying. 187:31-40. 2012
- Evaluating the effect of tillage on soil structural properties using the pedostructure concept. 163:141-149. 2011
- Spatial variation of tundra soil organic carbon along the coastline of northern Alaska. 154:328-335. 2010
- Investigating the nonlinear response of soil loss to storm direction using a circular soil flume. 152:9-15. 2009
- Modeling hydraulic properties of sandy soils of Niger using pedotransfer functions. 141:407-415. 2007
- Submicroscopic measurements of tracer distribution related to surface features of soil aggregates. 123:83-97. 2004
- Biogeochemistry of isotopes in soil environments: Theory and application. 82:1-3. 1998
- delta C-13 values of soil organic carbon and their use in documenting vegetation change in a subtropical savanna ecosystem. 82:5-41. 1998
- Momentum of flow in soils assessed with TDR-moisture readings. 80:153-168. 1997
- Description and classification of soils of the high-elevation grasslands of central Peru. 42:79-94.
- Evaluation of aggregate stability methods for soil health. 428:116156-116156.
- Good ant, bad ant? Soil engineering by ants in the Brazilian Caatinga differs by species. 323:65-73.
- Indirect estimation of near-saturated hydraulic conductivity from readily available soil information. 108:1-17.
- Interactions of long-term grazing and woody encroachment can shift soil biogeochemistry and microbiomes in savanna ecosystems. 441:116733-116733.
- Phosphorus solubilization in the rhizosphere in two saprolites with contrasting phosphorus fractions. 366:114245-114245.
- Soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics as affected by lipid-extracted algae application. 262:140-146.
- Sorption and desorption of organic matter in soils as affected by phosphate. 405:115377-115377.
- Wetland microtopography alters response of potential net CO2 and CH4 production to temperature and moisture: Evidence from a laboratory experiment. 402:115367-115367.