publication venue for
- Exploring the discrete and continuous flame propagation behavior of laminar iron flames. 389:134536-134536. 2025
- Equivalence ratio inhomogeneity and mixing in liquid-fueled detonations. 381:133587-133587. 2025
- Effect of clay minerals on asphaltene deposition in reservoir rock: Insights from experimental investigations. 351:128835-128835. 2023
- Laminar flame speed measurements of a gasoline surrogate and its mixtures with ethanol at elevated pressure and temperature. 343:128003-128003. 2023
- A novel semi-analytical monitoring model for multi-horizontal well system in large-scale underground natural gas storage: Methodology and case study. 334:126807-126807. 2023
- Diffusion of fluids confined in carbonate minerals: A molecular dynamics simulation study for carbon dioxide and methane-ethane mixture within calcite. 325:124800-124800. 2022
- A Shock-Tube and Chemical Kinetics Model Investigation Encompassing all Five Pentene Isomers. 323:124223-124223. 2022
- An experimental investigation of the foam enhanced oil recovery process for a dual porosity and heterogeneous carbonate reservoir under strongly oil-wet condition. 313:122684-122684. 2022
- Inter-well connectivity detection in CO2 WAG projects using statistical recurrent unit models. 311:122600-122600. 2022
- Characterization of Compositional Variability in Petroleum Substances.. 317:123547-123547. 2022
- Highly stable and coke-resistant Zn-modified Ni-Mg-Al hydrotalcite derived catalyst for dry reforming of methane: Synergistic effect of Ni and Zn. 308:122042-122042. 2022
- CO2-free conversion of fossil fuels by multiphase plasma at ambient conditions. 304:121469-121469. 2021
- Powder bed coating of bitumen with asphaltenes to obtain solid prills for midstream transportation. 302:121093-121093. 2021
- Dynamic modeling and offset-free predictive control of LNG tank. 285:119074-119074. 2021
- Microplasma ball reactor for JP-8 liquid hydrocarbon conversion to lighter fuels. 285:118943-118943. 2021
- Investigation of gas solubility and its effects on natural gas reserve and production in tight formations. 295:120507-120507. 2021
- Microscopic spray measurements of non-reacting alternative jet fuel: Effect of ambient gas temperature. 294:120467-120467. 2021
- Multiscale modeling and predictive control of cellulose accessibility in alkaline pretreatment for enhanced glucose yield. 280:118546-118546. 2020
- High-pressure ignition delay time measurements of a four-component gasoline surrogate and its high-level blends with ethanol and methyl acetate. 275:118016-118016. 2020
- Quantifying the control of pore types on fluid mobility in low-permeability conglomerates by integrating various experiments. 275:117835-117835. 2020
- High dose rate electron beam irradiation of heavy alkanes in a multi-phase flow system. 274:117695-117695. 2020
- Alterations of asphaltenes chemical structure due to carbon dioxide injection. 272:117708-117708. 2020
- Impact of asphaltenes and clay interaction on in-situ combustion performance. 268:117358-117358. 2020
- PC-SAFT/UNIQUAC model assesses formation condition of methane hydrate in the presence of imidazolium-based ionic liquid systems. 266:116757-116757. 2020
- Effects of metal-organic framework-derived iron carbide phases for CO hydrogenation activity to hydrocarbons. 281:118779-118779. 2020
- Effects of wettability of conductive particles on the multifrequency conductivity and permittivity of fluid-filled porous material. 268:117411-117411. 2020
- Machine learning workflow to predict multi-target subsurface signals for the exploration of hydrocarbon and water. 278:118357-118357. 2020
- Macroscopic spray performance of alternative and conventional jet fuels at non-reacting, elevated ambient conditions. 266:117023-117023. 2020
- Model calibration and optimization of a post-combustion CO2 WAG pilot in a mature oil field. 255:115810-115810. 2019
- Understanding wellhead ignition as a blowout response. 243:622-629. 2019
- Assessment of modern detailed kinetics mechanisms to predict CO formation from methane combustion using shock-tube laser-bsorption measurements (vol 236, pg 1164, 2019). 242:893-893. 2019
- Hydrocarbon saturation in a Lower-Paleozoic organic-rich shale gas formation based on Markov-chain Monte Carlo stochastic inversion of broadband electromagnetic dispersion logs. 243:645-658. 2019
- Machine learning for locating organic matter and pores in scanning electron microscopy images of organic-rich shales. 253:662-676. 2019
- Assessment of modern detailed kinetics mechanisms to predict CO formation from methane combustion using shock-tube laser-absorption measurements. 236:1164-1180. 2019
- Characterization of cardoon accessions as feedstock for biodiesel production. 235:1287-1293. 2019
- Direct visualization and molecular simulation of dewpoint pressure of a confined fluid in sub-10 nm slit pores. 235:1216-1223. 2019
- Hydrocarbon saturation in Bakken Petroleum System based on joint inversion of resistivity and dielectric dispersion logs. 233:45-55. 2018
- Hydrocarbon saturation in upper Wolfcamp shale formation. 219:375-388. 2018
- Solid-shelled microspheres loaded with solvent as diluents for extracting blockages by heavy-oil and asphaltene precipitates. 234:656-663. 2018
- Chemical analysis of surface and bulk of asphalt binders aged with accelerated weathering tester and standard aging methods. 202:366-379. 2017
- Relative permeability estimates for Wolfcamp and Eagle Ford shale samples from oil, gas and condensate windows using adsorption-desorption measurements. 208:52-64. 2017
- Nitromethane ignition behind reflected shock waves: Experimental and numerical study. 182:597-612. 2016
- The residual oil saturation determination for Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage (SAGD) and Solvent-SAGD. 172:187-195. 2016
- Pyrolysis of eastern redcedar: Distribution and characteristics of fast and slow pyrolysis products. 166:157-165. 2016
- An efficient treatment of ultra-heavy asphaltic crude oil using electron beam technology. 154:152-160. 2015
- CO2 injection for enhanced oil recovery in Bakken tight oil reservoirs. 159:354-363. 2015
- The influence of soot radiation on NO emission in practical biodiesel combustion. 128:281-287. 2014
- Blending effects on ignition delay times of methyl octanoate/n-nonane/methylcyclohexane. 115:264-281. 2014
- Experimental and theoretical study of NiMoW, NiMo, and NiW sulfide catalysts supported on an Al-Ti-Mg mixed oxide during the hydrodesulfurization of dibenzothiophene. 113:733-743. 2013
- Adhesive surface characteristics of bitumen binders investigated by Atomic Force Microscopy. 113:248-256. 2013
- Characterization and separation of corn stover bio-oil by fractional distillation. 112:60-73. 2013
- Emission characteristics of methanol-in-canola oil emulsions in a combustion chamber. 113:97-106. 2013
- Predicting the heating value of solid manure with visible and near-infrared spectroscopy. 106:712-717. 2013
- Evaluation of alumina-supported Mo carbide produced via propane carburization for the Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. 93:105-116. 2012
- Assessing the potential for biofuel production of corn stover pyrolysis using a pressurized batch reactor. 95:563-572. 2012
- Comparisons of NO emissions and soot concentrations from biodiesel-fuelled diesel engine. 96:446-453. 2012
- Laminar flame speed measurements of dimethyl ether in air at pressures up to 10 atm. 90:331-338. 2011
- Implications of fuel selection for an SI engine: Results from the first and second laws of thermodynamics. 89:3157-3166. 2010
- Modelling coal gasification with a hybrid neural network. 76:1159-1164. 1997
- Rheology of low-rank coal-water slurries at both high and low shear rates. 72:763-769. 1993
- A multimechanistic multicontinuum model for simulating shale gas reservoir with complex fractured system. 161:333-344.
- Experimental and thermodynamic study of aerosol explosions in a 36L apparatus. 245:467-477.
- Improvement of gas hydrate-based CO2 capture from CH4/CO2 mixture using silica and modified silica nanoparticles in the presence of potassium hydroxide. 334:126458-126458.
- Modification of boiler operating conditions for mercury emissions reductions in coal-fired utility boilers 2006