publication venue for
- Psychological Needs Satisfaction and Attachment to Natural Landscapes. 53:661-683. 2021
- Values, Motivations, and Intentions to Engage in Proenvironmental Behavior. 52:437-462. 2020
- Understanding Local Sea Level Rise Risk Perceptions and the Power of Maps to Change Them: The Effects of Distance and Doubt. 50:483-511. 2018
- Awareness of the Food-Energy-Water Nexus and Public Policy Support in the United States: Public Attitudes Among the American People. 50:375-400. 2018
- An Observational Study of Classroom Acoustical Design and Repetitive Behaviors in Children With Autism. 49:847-873. 2017
- Green Colored Lenses: Worldviews and Motivated Reasoning in the Case of Local Water Scarcity. 49:719-744. 2017
- Using Web-Based Participatory Mapping to Investigate Childrens Perceptions and the Spatial Distribution of Outdoor Play Places. 48:859-884. 2016
- A Dose-Response Curve Describing the Relationship Between Urban Tree Cover Density and Self-Reported Stress Recovery. 48:607-629. 2016
- Comparing Associations Between the Built Environment and Walking in Rural Small Towns and a Large Metropolitan Area. 48:13-36. 2016
- Impacts of Residential Self-Selection and Built Environments on Children's Walking-to-School Behaviors. 47:268-287. 2015
- Environmental Worldview, Place Attachment, and Awareness of Environmental Impacts in a Marine Environment. 46:993-1017. 2014
- Repositioning Identity in Conceptualizations of Human-Place Bonding. 46:1018-1043. 2014
- Fear Perceptions in Public Parks: Interactions of Environmental Concealment, the Presence of People Recreating, and Gender. 45:803-820. 2013
- Permanent and Seasonal Residents' Community Attachment in Natural Amenity-Rich Areas Exploring the Contribution of Landscape-Related Factors. 42:197-220. 2010
- Large-scale environmental knowledge - Investigating the relationship between self-reported and objectively measured physical environments. 38:72-91. 2006
- Testing the dimensionality of place attachment in recreational settings. 37:153-177. 2005
- A Contextual Look at Safe Routes to School Implementation in Texas. 48:192-209.
- Does location matter? Measuring environmental perceptions of creeks in two San Antonio watersheds. 36:229-250.
- Effects of Funding Allocation for Safe Routes to School Programs on Active Commuting to School and Related Behavioral, Knowledge, and Psychosocial Outcomes: Results From the Texas Childhood Obesity Prevention Policy Evaluation (T-COPPE) Study. 48:210-229.
- Examining the relationship between physical vulnerability and public perceptions of global climate change in the United States. 40:72-95.
- Validation and Application of a Perception of Community Adaptive Capacity to Coastal Hazards Measure