publication venue for
- Fermi isospectrality for discrete periodic Schrdinger operators. 77:1126-1146. 2024
- Additivity of Higher Rho Invariants and Nonrigidity of Topological Manifolds. 74:3-113. 2021
- Global Well-Posedness of the Three-Dimensional Primitive Equations with Only Horizontal Viscosity and Diffusion. 69:1492-1531. 2016
- Strong Szeg Asymptotics and Zeros of the ZetaFunction. 67:1028-1044. 2014
- On the Regularization Mechanism for the Periodic Korteweg-de Vries Equation. 64:591-648. 2011
- Global Regularity and Convergence of a Birkhoff-Rott-alpha Approximation of the Dynamics of Vortex Sheets of the Two-Dimensional Euler Equations. 63:697-746. 2010
- Random surface growth with a wall and Plancherel measures for O (). 63:831-894. 2010
- Iteratively reweighted least squares minimization for sparse recovery. 63:1-38. 2010
- Anisotropic smoothness spaces via level sets. 61:1264-1297. 2008
- An inviscid regularization for the surface quasi-geostrophic equation. 61:1331-1346. 2008
- Global well-posedness and finite-dimensional global attractor for a 3-D planetary geostrophic viscous model. 56:198-233. 2003
- Computational transonics. 41:507-549. 1988
- Iterative solution of transonic flows over airfoils and wings, including flows at Mach 1. 27:283-309. 1974