publication venue for
- Effective rigid analytic trivializations for Drinfeld modules. 75:713-742. 2023
- Arithmetic of Degenerating Principal Variations of Hodge Structure: Examples Arising From Mirror Symmetry and Middle Convolution. 68:280-308. 2016
- Correction of Proofs in "Purely Infinite Simple C*-algebras Arising from Free Product Constructions" and a Subsequent Paper. 65:481-484. 2013
- C*-algebras Nearly Contained in Type I Algebras. 65:52-65. 2013
- Moments of the Critical Values of Families of Elliptic Curves, with Applications. 62:1155-1181. 2010
- Special Values of Class Group L-Functions for CM Fields. 62:157-181. 2010
- Large sieve inequalities via subharmonic methods and the Mahler measure of the Fekete polynomials. 59:730-741. 2007
- On the Structure of the Spreading Models of a Banach Space. 57:673-707. 2005
- The Representation Ring and the Centre of a Hopf Algebra. 51:881-896. 1999
- Purely Infinite, Simple C*-Algebras Arising From Free Product Constructions. 50:323-341. 1998
- PieriS Formula Via Explicit Rational Equivalence. 49:1281-1298. 1997
- The Representation Ring of the Twisted Quantum Double of a Finite Group. 48:1324-1338. 1996
- Some Fock spaces with depth two action. 1-29.