publication venue for
- Sphingolipid Metabolism of a Sea Anemone Is Altered by the Presence of Dinoflagellate Symbionts.. 233:242-254. 2017
- Regulation and restoration of motoneuronal synaptic transmission during neuromuscular regeneration in the pulmonate snail Helisoma trivolvis.. 221:110-125. 2011
- Phylogeny and genetic diversity of palolo worms (Palola, Eunicidae) from the tropical North Pacific and the Caribbean.. 210:25-37. 2006
- Neural Mechanisms Underlying Sensitization of a Defensive Reflex in Aplysia.. 180:252-261. 1991
- Ionic Currents Around Developing Embryos of Higher Plants in Culture.. 176:46-48. 1989
- Acetylcholine mediates excitatory input to chromatophore motoneurons in the squid, Loligo pealeii. 2002