publication venue for
- Bivariate Analysis of Extreme Precipitation Using Copula Functions in Arid and Semi-Arid Regions. 14:275-275. 2023
- A Review of User Perceptions of Drought Indices and Indicators Used in the Diverse Climates of North America. 14:1794-1794. 2023
- Implementing and Improving CBMZ-MAM3 Chemistry and Aerosol Modules in the Regional Climate Model WRF-CAM5: An Evaluation over the Western US and Eastern North Pacific. 14:1122-1122. 2023
- Interactions between Soil Moisture and Water Availability over the Inner Mongolia Section of the Yellow River Basin, China. 14:443-443. 2023
- Passive Hydrocarbon Sampling in a Shale Oil and Gas Production Area Shows Spatially Heterogeneous Air Toxics Exposure Based on Type and Proximity to Emission Sources. 14:744-744. 2023
- Uncertainty Analysis of Hydrological Drought Due to Record Length, Time Scale, and Probability Distribution Functions Using Monte Carlo Simulation Method. 13:1390-1390. 2022
- Testing HYSPLIT Plume Dispersion Model Performance Using Regional Hydrocarbon Monitoring Data during a Gas Well Blowout. 13:486-486. 2022
- Estimating Terrestrial Radiation for Human Thermal Comfort in Outdoor Urban Space. 12:1701-1701. 2021
- Indoor Air Quality and Health Outcomes in Employees Working from Home during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Pilot Study. 12:1665-1665. 2021
- Surface Urban Heat Island Assessment of a Cold Desert City: A Case Study over the Isfahan Metropolitan Area of Iran. 12:1368-1368. 2021
- Evaluating the NDVI-Rainfall Relationship in Bisha Watershed, Saudi Arabia Using Non-Stationary Modeling Technique. 12:593-593. 2021
- Climate Change Impacts and Strategies for Mitigation and Adaptation in Agriculture. 12:545-545. 2021
- Detection of Spatial Rainfall Variation over the Andean Region Demonstrated by Satellite-Based Observations. 12:1204-1204. 2021
- Severity-Mapped Vibrotactile Cues to Support Interruption Management with Weather Messaging in the General Aviation Cockpit. 12:341-341. 2021
- Trends in the Diurnal Temperature Range over the Southern Slope of Central Himalaya: Retrospective and Prospective Evaluation. 12:1683-1683. 2021
- Drop-Size Distribution Variations Associated with Different Storm Types in Southeast Texas. 11:8-8. 2020
- Complexity of Forces Driving Trend of Reference Evapotranspiration and Signals of Climate Change. 11:1081-1081. 2020
- Face Temperature as an Indicator of Thermal Stress in Outdoor Work Environments. 11:627-627. 2020
- Spatio-Temporal Trends of Monthly and Annual Precipitation in Aguascalientes, Mexico. 11:437-437. 2020
- The Value of Ocean Decadal Climate Variability Information to United States Agriculture. 11:318-318. 2020
- A Comparison of Northern Hemisphere Atmospheric Rivers Detected by a New Image-Processing Based Method and Magnitude-Thresholding Based Methods. 11:628-628. 2020
- Atmospheric Responses to Mesoscale Oceanic Eddies in the Winter and Summer North Pacific Subtropical Countercurrent Region. 11:816-816. 2020
- Nitrous Oxide from Beef Cattle Manure: Effects of Temperature, Water Addition and Manure Properties on Denitrification and Nitrification. 11:1056-1056. 2020
- Passively Sampled Ambient Hydrocarbon Abundances in a Texas Oil Patch. 11:241-241. 2020
- An Investigation of Parameter Sensitivity of Minimum Complexity Earth Simulator. 11:95-95. 2020
- Surface Heat Fluxes over the Northern Arabian Gulf and the Northern Red Sea: Evaluation of ECMWF-ERA5 and NASA-MERRA2 Reanalyses. 10:504-504. 2019
- Implicit Definition of Flow Patterns in Street Canyons-Recirculation Zone-Using Exploratory Quantitative and Qualitative Methods. 10:794-794. 2019
- Qualitative and Quantitative Investigation of Multiple Large Eddy Simulation Aspects for Pollutant Dispersion in Street Canyons Using OpenFOAM. 10:17-17. 2019
- A Review of Ice Cloud Optical Property Models for Passive Satellite Remote Sensing. 9:499-499. 2018
- Outdoor Thermal Comfort during Anomalous Heat at the 2015 Pan American Games in Toronto, Canada. 9:321-321. 2018
- A Comparison of Machine Learning-Based Approaches in Estimating Surface PM2.5 Concentrations Focusing on Artificial Neural Networks and High Pollution Events. 16:48-48.
- Can the Artificial Release of Fluorinated Gases Offset Global Cooling Due to Supervolcanic Eruptions?. 15:1322-1322.
- Does Marine Surface Tension Have Global Biogeography? Addition for the OCEANFILMS Package. 9:216-216.
- Relationships between Extratropical Precipitation Systems and UTLS Temperatures and Tropopause Height from GPM and GPS-RO. 13:196-196.
- Trends in Rainfall and Temperature Extremes in Ethiopia: Station and Agro-Ecological Zone Levels of Analysis. 14:483-483.