publication venue for
- The association of parentification indicators with substance use patterns among military-connected adolescents.. 93:557-565. 2023
- Associations between school violence, military connection, and gang membership in California secondary schools.. 87:443-451. 2017
- Examining the effects of emotional and cognitive desensitization to community violence exposure in male adolescents of color.. 87:463-473. 2017
- African American inner-city youth exposed to violence: coping skills as a moderator for anxiety.. 78:249-258. 2008
- Training in cultural schemas: an antidote to unintentional racism in clinical practice.. 70:65-72. 2000
- Acculturative stress and alcohol use among Latinx recruited from a primary care clinic: Moderations by emotion dysregulation.. 89:589-599.
- Anxiety sensitivity and rumination: Transdiagnostic factors involved in the relation between subjective social status and anxiety and depressive symptoms and disorders among economically disadvantaged Latinos in primary care.. 88:571-581.