publication venue for
- Driving among individuals with chronic conditions: A systematic review of applied research using kinematic driving sensors. 2024
- Empowering patients with the PREPARE advance care planning program results in reciprocal clinician communication.. 70:585-591. 2022
- Reply to: Outcomes and Patient Goals: Comment on "Chronic Disease Decision Making and 'What Matters Most'".. 68:1615-1616. 2020
- Empowering Older Adults to Discuss Advance Care Planning During Clinical Visits: The PREPARE Randomized Trial.. 68:1210-1217. 2020
- Chronic Disease Decision Making and "What Matters Most".. 68:474-477. 2020
- Effect of the Tool to Reduce Inappropriate Medications on Medication Communication and Deprescribing.. 65:2265-2271. 2017
- Trends in Hospitalization of Older Adults with Traumatic Brain Injury.. 64:e99-e100. 2016
- Life Stress, Race, and Abnormal Glucose Metabolism in Postmenopausal Women.. 64:e46-e48. 2016
- Precision Medicine: A Wider Definition.. 63:1971-1972. 2015
- Rx: window bed.. 62:378-379. 2014
- A pilot randomized controlled trial of a decision support tool to improve the quality of communication and decision-making in individuals with atrial fibrillation.. 60:1434-1441. 2012
- A multifaceted intervention to implement guidelines improved treatment of nursing home-acquired pneumonia in a state veterans home.. 54:1694-1700. 2006
- Assessment and quality control of incontinence care in long-term nursing facilities.. 39:165-171.
- Communicating with older patients: a challenge for researchers and clinicians.. 43:1167-1168.
- Determinants of self-management strategies to reduce out-of-pocket prescription medication expense in homebound older people.. 53:666-674.
- Development of the common data base for the FICSIT trials.. 41:297-308.
- Frailty and injuries in later life: the FICSIT trials.. 41:283-296.
- Older adults' perceptions of their health and functioning in relation to sleep disturbance, falling, and urinary incontinence.FICSIT Group.. 42:757-762.
- Prompted voiding treatment of urinary incontinence in nursing home patients. A behavior management approach for nursing home staff.. 37:1051-1057.
- Protective and Risk Factors for 5-Year Survival in the Oldest Veterans: Data from the Veterans Health Administration.. 64:1250-1257.
- Reducing and managing restraints in long-term-care facilities.. 40:381-385.
- Self-management at the tipping point: reaching 100,000 Americans with evidence-based programs.. 61:821-823.
- Severe elder obesity and 1-year diminished lower extremity physical performance in homebound older adults.. 54:1407-1413.
- Special care units for persons with dementia.. 39:1229-1236.
- Neighborhood Environments and Recent Falls among Community-dwelling Older Adults: 1-Year Prospective Cohort Study 2018
- Carotid artery wall stiffness may dictate pulse pressure in old mice. 2004
- The role of forensic science in identification of mistreatment deaths in long-term care facilities: A descriptive study of death investigations. 2004